Project porfolio: some of the projects I’ve been part of.

I’ve worked on a variety of projects – here’s a selection of some of them.

  • Founded a digital agency IBUK (2000-)
  • Developed e-commerce engines for CRM and travel back office systems  (2000-)
  • Developed hotel distribution systems (2002-)
  • Developed a back-office system for travel (2003-)
  • Built document management systems (2005-)
  • Developed middleware to dynamically adjust pricing based upon yield for tour operators
  • Implemented and deployed a transition from tape to digital for media production (2009-)
  • App development (2010-)
  • Developing an ERP system for product manufacture and distribution (2011-)
  • Managed and developed Norwegian Cruise Line’s e-commerce platform (2012-2014),
  • Developed Amadeus Cruise Shop, a new cruise shopping experience (2012-)
  • Built and managed a SaaS cruise and dynamic packaging platform (2012-2015). – refactored to handle scale.
  • Designed,  built and operated the 2nd generation of easyJet holidays (2013).
  • Designed and Implemented an airline agnostic travel platform (travelSaaS) powering cross airline/PSS search and booking used by oneworld alliance and other OTAs (2015-).
  • Directed large OTAs travel technology platforms. (2018-)
  • Supported the first iteration of an AI solution to analyse call centre operation performance (SayInt.AI) (2015-),
  • leveraged AI to improve processes for travel busineses (2019-)
  • delivered AI consultancy to leading travel businesses.
  • built and managed enabling technologies for oneworld as part of their carrierconnect digital enablement (2020-).